Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interlude 1

I’d like to treat this post in a bit of an “out-of-canon” fashion, in that there are three things I feel it’s important I discuss before I take on the bulk of the thoughts currently in my head. The first is more a disclaimer than anything. I’ve realized, after reviewing my first post, and seeing the reaction, that if you write something out and post it on the internet, it’s likely to get read at some point, by someone.

 I’d simply like to warn you, dear reader, to take that which you find here in context.  It’s not meant to alarm anyone about my state of mind, nor is it a “cry for help,” that so much of the modern media seems to believe young people my age are want to transmit. It’s simply how I feel, at a particular moment, in a particular state of mind, and the medium in wish I choose to express it. I invite you to share in it with me, but I simply ask you do so responsibly.

Secondly, I must be honest; I wasn’t at first sure if I’d really continue this blog beyond the first post. It made me feel better, to be sure, but I wondered if it would be something I’d make a habit of. However, a showing of positivity, along with my own desire to continue have really made me want to commit to writing out my thoughts on at least a semi-regular basis. Thus, I’d like to thank anyone and everyone that finds they are reading these words, because in doing so, you’re really justifying my desire to do this, and I encourage you to reply. I’m very much a conversationalist, and I take great pleasure in sharing my thoughts, and hearing the thoughts of others. Tell me I’m great, tell me I suck, tell me I’m crazy, I really don’t mind either way. What’s important to me is knowing you’re out there, and that you’re listening.

Finally, a more humorous admittance. From the inception of this idea for a blog, I figured that, if I were to continue it, I’d need a gimmick. It just so happens that my first ever post is titled by a word beginning with “A.” As soon as I noticed this, I decided that I should follow with a post titled by a “B” word, and my plans for my next post involve a title beginning with “C.” I really wanted to make it clear that, for anyone who might read this after a few more posts have been made, that this pattern was not some serendipitous happenstance, but done by design, because I’m crazy, and decided that, 2 posts in, my blog really needed a direction. I'm theatrical by nature, but I wanted to be upfront about it, to let you know that what you're getting here is not a simple method in madness, but some sort of Frankenstein-esque monster that is an amalgam of method, madness, and a touch of melodrama.  

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